- Stjórnsýsla
- Þjónusta
- Mannlíf
Compulsory schools in Fljótsdalshérað
The compulsory schools are for children from ages 6 to 16. The school year starts in August and ends in the beginning of June. In Fljótsdalshérað there are 3 compulsory schools, Egilsstaðaskóli in Egilsstaðir, Fellaskóli in Fellabær and Brúarásskóli, which is located in the rural northern part of the municipality. The schools all work by the national curriculum but there are certain differences in size, and school policies. People have, within certain limitation, a free choice of which school they chose, although pupils have priority when applying to the school closest to their home. Pupils are enrolled at the headmaster of each school. Further information can be found at each school or at the municipal building in Egilsstaðir.
Street address: Tjarnarlönd 11
Phone: 4 700 605
Email: egilsstadaskoli@fljotsdalsherad.is
Website: egilsstadaskoli.is
Street address: Einhleypingur 2
Phone: 4 700 640
Email: fellaskoli@fljotsdalsherad.is
Website: fljotsdalsherad.is/fellaskoli
Street Address: Brúarás
Phone: 4 700 625
Email: bruarasskoli@fljotsdalsherad.is
Website: bruaras.is
In Fljótsdalshérað there are two preschools, one in Fellabær and one in Egilsstaðir, that operates in two buildings. There is also a preschool department in the compulsory school at Brúarás. Preschool is considered the first school level for children younger than 6 years old. The municipalities aim is to be able to accomodate all children that are 1 year old at the start of the school year in August.
Preschool is not compulsory but is very much recommended to facilitate social developement with children. The majority of the cost of preschool is covered by the municipality but parents pay a certain fee depending on how many hours a day they chose to have their children in preschool.
The preschools are open all year round except for a month´s summer holiday. Applications for the following school year need to be made in March to be guaranteed a place but applications are reiceved all year round and if a place is available it is possible to start in other times of the year, although not guaranteed.
You can apply for preschool both through the online service gateway or at the municipal building.
Leikskólinn Tjarnarskógur
Street addresses: Skógarlönd 5 / Tjarnarlönd 10-12
Phones: 4 700 660 / 4 700 650
Email: tjarnarskogur@fljotsdalsherad.is
Website: leikskolinn.is/tjarnarskogur
Leikskólinn Hádegishöfði
Street address: Lagarfell 15
Phone: 4 700 670
Email: vala@fljotsdalsherad.is
Website: leikskolinn.is/hadegishofdi
Music schools are operated by the municipality in Egilsstaðir, Fellabær and at Brúarás. They are housed in the same buildings as the compulsory schools and the music lessons are largely incorporated into the regular school days of each pupil.
Pupils can learn to play a variety of instruments, but choices may vary between schools and are also dependant on the availability of teachers and equipment.
Application forms, along with further information about the studies in each schools are available at the school websites and with each headmaster.
Tónlistarskólinn á Egilsstöðum
At Egilsstaðaskóli
Phone: 4 700 645
Email: tonlistarskoli@egilsstadir.is
Website: tonegilsstodum.fljotsdalsherad.is
Tónlistarskólinn í Fellabæ
At Fellaskóli
Phone: 4 700 646
Email: drifas@egilsstadir.is
Website: tonfellabae.fljotsdalsherad.is
Tónlistarskólinn á Brúarási
At Brúarásskóli
Phone: 4 700 628
Email: joningi@egilsstadir.is
Secondary schools, adult education and studies at university level
Menntaskólinn á Egilsstöðum (ME) is an upper secondary school located in Egilsstaðir. Upper secondary degree is the most common requirement for entry into college or university in Iceland. ME has around 300 students, boarding facilities for some 120 students, as well as a canteen and library.
Menntaskólinn á Egilsstöðum
Street address: Tjarnarbraut 25
Phone: 4712500
Website: www.me.is
Hallormsstaðaskóli is a upper secondary school located in a beautiful old style building in the Hallormsstaður forest. Building on 90 years of experience, Hallormsstaðaskóli offers an education in creative sustainability with focus on food technology or textiles. Boarding facilities are available.
Phone: 4711761
Email: hskolinn@hskolinn.is
Website: www.hskolinn.is
Austurbrú is an institution that provides coordinated, interdisciplinary services related to education, culture and the economy and aims to be a leading voice in the development of business, knowledge, research, government administration, university-level studies, continuing education, and social and cultural activities in East Iceland.
The institution mediates university level studies offered by universities in Iceland and provides services for distant studies in several towns in East Iceland.
The instituion organizes courses in Icelandic for foreigners and also provides a variety of other courses, as well as advice to companies and individuals.
Tjarnarbraut 39e
Phone: 471 2838
Email: austurbru@austurbru.is
Website: www.austurbru.is